Congratulations! You’ve graduated law school. You’ve passed the bar. Now it’s time to really learn what lawyering is about.
Law School teaches the law. Sophisticated Lawyer teaches lawyering.
If you haven’t already, join your relevant local bar associations (even if you are still in law school). If you don’t have a mentor, get one. Want to be a trial lawyer, go see other trial lawyers in action. Courtrooms are open to the public. Attend continuing legal educations. Make checklists. Read. Keep reading.
Here is a list of some must-read books for any attorney new or old.
1. McElhaney’s Trial Notebook
A clear, practicable and knowledgeable book for litigators in all legal arenas. Written by Jim McElhaney, a professor at Southern Methodist University, what began as a small journal column discussing trial techniques evolved into this best-selling legal book. Having read many procedure and evidence books, few explain it as well.
2. Sun Tzu’s, Art of War
An ancient Chines military general, strategist and tactician, Sun Tzu’s theories and strategies are put to print in this text that has been applied by business men and women, politicians, lawyers and beyond. In fact, you won’t be long on the job before you hear a lawyer quote this book.
3. Dave Ramsey, The Total Money Makeover
Renowned voice on money and business, Dave Ramsey brings his proven and trusted money management plan to print, providing a step-by-step playbook on ensuring your money has a purpose.
4. Ric Edelman, The Truth About Money
Similar to Dave Ramsey, Ric Edelman is a leading voice in the financial world and gives us this popular book explaining everything from personal finance to investments to life insurance. This book and Dave Ramsey’s above will give you the tools to ensure your worries are focused on clients, not bills.
5. McCarthy’s Cross-Examination
A must have for any lawyer serious about litigating, specifically cross examination.