Bad credit? Interest Fee Loan? Call your Lawyer.

Lawyer banking, lawyer loans, sophisticated lawyer, client fees

Unless your practice is structured on contingent fees, you will find yourself in the banking business, specifically loans.

And not just any old loan; we’re talking high-risk, interest fee, unseen on any credit report type loans. Career suicide loans for any broker in the banking business.

This is lawyering though and your potential client needs help, both legally and financially. Here’s a few lawerying tips to help.

1) Get as much up front as you can.

2) Consider anything else a bonus.

3) Have the agreement in writing.

4) Charge for consultations, then apply that consultation fee to the total cost.

5) Deposit the fee in a trust account (it’s the law) and pull as necessary (i.e. as you earn the fee).

As a whole, most clients will honor the agreement. As the saying goes “everyone dislikes lawyers, until they need one.” Your client will pay you because they need you, until of course they don’t.

Save Early, Save Often

When it comes to retirement planning, it’s never too early to start saving. The more you invest and the earlier you start means your retirement savings will have that much more time and potential to grow. By investing early and staying invested, you will take advantage of compound earnings.

Say you make the decision to save $5,000 a year or $96.15 a week or $384.60 a month. Here is what it looks like depending on what age you begin.

Invest early and often for maximum gains

Acorns is a great tool to get started without having to throw down a big initiation payment. You can link your bank account and start investing right away with as little as $0.