Tag Archives: sophisticatedlawyer
Reasonable Doubt Made Easy
Lawyer Outside-the-Box
Think outside-the-box.
Life Sentence
Don’t Let Others Define You
When Money is No Problem . . .
It’s the only problem.
Bad credit? Interest Fee Loan? Call your Lawyer.
Unless your practice is structured on contingent fees, you will find yourself in the banking business, specifically loans.
And not just any old loan; we’re talking high-risk, interest fee, unseen on any credit report type loans. Career suicide loans for any broker in the banking business.
This is lawyering though and your potential client needs help, both legally and financially. Here’s a few lawerying tips to help.
1) Get as much up front as you can.
2) Consider anything else a bonus.
3) Have the agreement in writing.
4) Charge for consultations, then apply that consultation fee to the total cost.
5) Deposit the fee in a trust account (it’s the law) and pull as necessary (i.e. as you earn the fee).
As a whole, most clients will honor the agreement. As the saying goes “everyone dislikes lawyers, until they need one.” Your client will pay you because they need you, until of course they don’t.
How Nothing About Your Case Means Everything
Huh? It’s a mouthful, but this is what we’re talking about.
You have great facts. Facts you are 99% sure will result in a favorable jury verdict. You’ve crossed every “t” and dotted every “i”.
The night before closing, with a win in the bag, your friends invite you to grab some drinks. You agree, but only a couple as you still have a case to close and win!
Walking in, the bouncer asks you to roll your right forearm over and gives you a stamp.
It’s this stamp and this stamp alone that changes the outcome of your case.
How? Read here.